Geometric Modeling (M1 MSIAM)
(extremely simple) 2D vector-based animation software
The source code of the project can be found here: geomod-project.tar.gzGoal: Implement different types of 2D curves for drawing and different types of 1D functions for animating control points. The source is written in C++ and uses Qt for the interfaces and for painting curves. Eigen is used for storing and manipulating points, vectors and matrices.
The project should include:
- different types of curves in 1D or 2D (Bezier, Cubic Hermite spline interpolation, Polynomial interpolation, B-Spline, etc...)
- different types of algorithms (Casteljeau, De Boor, etc...)
- different types of parametrizations (uniform, Chordal, etc...)
- opened and closed 2D curves
Evaluation (the 4th of December):
- Presentation to the class (~10/15 min per group): demo, organization of the team, explanation of algorithms, choice of curves, issues, originality, etc.
- Report due before 2pm. The report should contain:
- Full names of all students in the group
- A small presentation of the project
- Organization of the work/team (use of Git/svn, who worked on what?, etc.)
- For each type of curve implemented: the mathematical definition of the problem, the implementation choices in C++, your references (where you got the information necessary to your work).
- Some screenshots
- Extra implementations (if any)
- What do you think would be nice to include in the future
- What you think would be nice to improve in the software and/or the project itself
- No more than 10 pages