Three words to define me : passionate, curious and dreamer.
Multidisciplinary training at :
- the University (Master of Physics and Applications)
- and Engineering School (ESIEA Engineer)
My industrial career in Visual Simulation and Virtual Reality gained at :
- THALES Training & Simulation
- CS (Communication & Systèmes) then Diginext
- CNES (Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales)
- IRSN (Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire)
- Airbus
- HPC department (High Performance Computing) at CS
- Renault
- Cité de l'Espace
- etc...
Research themes
My work deals with computer graphics. I'm focused on:
- Volume rendering (ray-tracing, voxels)
- GPU Computing (CUDA) : use, debugging, performance analysis, technology watch
- Real-time 3D visualization with OpenGL and GLSL shaders
I recently joined the research team Maverick as an R&D engineer on the GigaVoxels project.
This technology allows :
- real-time 3D visualization of very large data volumes.
This project, conducted under the supervision of Fabrice Neyret, senior researcher at INRIA in Computer Graphics, has lead to several publications and talks as well as two book chapters (see Cyril Crassin's web page).
I'm currently involved in an industrial implementation of GigaVoxels based on :
- Efficient Rendering of Highly Detailed Volumetric Scenes with GigaVoxels by Cyril Crassin, Fabrice Neyret, Miguel Sainz, Elmar Eisemann [available in book : "GPU Pro" (A K Peters, page 643--676 - 2010)].
- GigaVoxels: A Voxel-Based Rendering Pipeline For Efficient Exploration Of Large And Detailed Scenes, the Cyril Crassin's PhD Thesis.
- code optimizations (Cuda tools : NSight debuger and Visual Profiler)
- enhance OpenGL interoperability (integration with 3D standard scenes, i.e. voxels and triangles)
- OpenGL-Cuda hybrid mode (GLSL rendering, GLSL ray map generation, shadow map, VBO generation)
- proxy geometry
- noise and hypertextures [SDK, optimisations]
- geometry instancing
- study the add of new data type structure as BVH
- technology watch
- maintain code and debug
- clean code, API documentation (doxygen, user/developper manual)
- develop SDK examples
- develop a viewer and tools to test and develop fonctionnalities (Qt)
- code refactoring (API : simplification, ...)
- multi-plateforme's library distribution (CMake, Windows/Linux, 64/32 bits, etc...)
- develop and maintain GigaVoxels website
- supervision of trainees and soon engineer(s)
- working in collaboration with an industrial company in a research project integrating GigaVoxels
ANR, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
GigaVoxels est soutenu et financé dans le cadre du projet ANR "RTIGE" (Real-Time & Interactive Galaxy for Edutainment) de référence ANR-10-CORD-0006.
RTIGE : Real-Time & Interactive Galaxy for Edutainment
RTIGE : Real-Time & Interactive Galaxy for Edutainment
The GigaVoxels team is partner of the ANR (The French National Research Agency) funded project "RTIGE, Real-Time & Interactive Galaxy for Edutainment".
This project, started in december 2010, will last 48 months.
"RTI Galaxy for Edutainment program proposes to address the problem of display, representation and real-time rendering of scenes composed of massively heterogeneous possibly animated elements. This theme will be applied to the particular field of the Galaxy."
Here is the associated link : RTIGE website
The main French industrial company, RSA Cosmos, has been in the planetarium business for more than 20 years and can now count more than 150 planetariums installed across the world. We collaborate to provide advices, expertise, and tools to visualize galaxies, in which GigaVoxels belongs.
veRTIGE project : Real-Time & Interactive Galaxy for Edutainment :
Courtesy of International Innovation – a leading scientific dissemination service
My talks
- GTC NVidia (GPU Technology Conference) - Mars 2013, San Jose, Californie
- GigaVoxels, Real-time Voxel-based Library to Render Large and Detailed Objects
- AFIG, Journées de l'Association Française d'Informatique Graphique - Novembre 2012, Calais, France
- GigaVoxels, librairie et kit de développement sur GPU pour l'exploration temps-réel et visuellement réaliste d'immenses scènes détaillées à base de SVO
My stands/demos
- Séminaire In'Tech - December 2013, INRIA Grenoble, France
- Convergence cinéma et jeu vidéo : quels enjeux scientifiques et industriels ?
My INRIA internal presentations
- INRIA Working Group - June 2014, INRIA Grenoble, France
- To GigaSpace... and Beyond
- OpenGL 4.x features : GLSL, buffers, images (4.2 : writing to textures)
- 4.3 : GLSL Compute Shaders
- From GigaVoxels To GigaSpace
- Applications : adding a full GLSL Renderer on top of GigaVoxels CUDA core mechanism
Technology Transfer - Supervision - Teaching/Training
From 2011 to 2015, I had supervised and trained : 3 engineers, 5 Master trainees (+1 group of 6 Master students). I worked with the RSA Cosmos company as part of a French national funded research project. I also collaborate with a post-doc. Details below:
Technology Transfer
- 2011-2015 : GigaVoxels / GigaSpace technology
- Lead developer, Project Technical Manager : software Release
- 2012-2015 : RSA Cosmos company
- Help to develop new R&D features for their next-generation planetariums based on the GigaVoxels/GigaSpace technology (Cuda, OpenGL) as part of a French national funded ANR Research project:
R&D Engineers supervision
- 2014-2015 : 6 months
- 2013-2014 : 11 months
- 2011-2012 : 2 months
Internships supervision - co-supervised with Fabrice Neyret (senior Researcher)
- 2014
- Real-time optical effects in OpenGL using GigaVoxels (co-supervised with Prashant Goswami) - (2 months)
- Collision Detection on GPU for real-time applications using GigaVoxels - (6 months)
- Art et science : lancer de rayons pour le projet Hyperlight - (1 month)
- 2013
- On-the-fly Voxelization using GigaVoxels - (2 months)
- RLE compression, data transfert optimization and Depth Peeling multi-pass rendering using GigaVoxels - (2 months)
- 2012
- Hypertexture and noise optimization, Graphics and Compute interoperability enhancement using GigaVoxels - (6 months)
- 2014 : Prashant Goswami (post-doc researcher at that time)
- Help to implement a prototype for a procedural physically-based cloud generation with the GigaVoxels/GigaSpace technology:
- Expertise and advice on our GigaVoxels/GigaSpace library and CUDA
- Real-time landscape-size convective clouds simulation (P. Goswami, F. Neyret, ACM Interactive and 3D graphics)
- => now, its code does not use GigaVoxels anymore
A list of videos showing GigaVoxels and GigaSpace features :
CONTENT : updated soon... :)
Recent publications
Here are my latest publications:
» See the complete list of my publications
» GigaVoxels, Real-time Voxel-based Library to Render Large and Detailed Objects
Authors : Pascal Guehl, Fabrice Neyret
GTC NVidia (GPU Technology Conference), March 2013, San Jose, California.
» GigaVoxels, Behind the Scene (Developer / User's Guide)
Auteurs : Pascal Guehl, Fabrice Neyret
INRIA, Technical Report, Mars 2013.
[ RTIGE, Real-Time & Interactive Galaxy for Edutainment ] - French ANR Research project
- » Report on exploitable technologies to procedurally generate distribution of points, potentially animated, respecting existing probabilistic distributions
- » Report on exploitable technologies allowing amplification of heterogeneous data
Auteurs : Pascal Guehl, Fabrice Neyret
INRIA, Internal Technical Reports, June 2013.
» GigaVoxels, librairie et kit de développement sur GPU pour l'exploration temps-réel et visuellement réaliste d'immenses scènes détaillées à base de SVO
Authors : Pascal Guehl, Fabrice Neyret
Journées de l'Association Française d'Informatique Graphique, November 2012, Calais, France.
» Image gallery
Curriculum Vitae
My CV online :
- ENSAM : Advanced/Post Master in "Simulation and Virtual Reality"
- ESIEA : Master (Honor : With Highest Honors)
- UCP : Maîtrise de Physique et Applications
- UCP : Bachelor of Science in Physics
- UCP : Associate's Degree in "Mathematics and Informatics Applied to Sciences (préparation ENSI)
- «preparatory school to Engineering Colleges» [30 students over 500] : add an Associate's Degrees in Physics plus in Chemistry
Continuing Education:
- 2014 - 2015 - University Lumiere Lyon 2
- Master VCiel (Visualization & Infographic Design) [online]
- 2005 - 2008 - Université Paris-Sorbonne
- LMD de Musicologie [Distance Learning through CNED]
Mon CV summarized in 1 page [ done in december 2014 ]
- » Learning game development on 8-bit console [ how to write video/graphics PAL/NTSC drivers, use BITMAP, sprites, and tile-based rendering systems... ] (C, C++, ASM)
- » based on the XGS AVR 8-Bit Development System (based on Atmel MEGA AVR 644 processor) from XGameStation company (video game system development kit by Andre LaMothe)
- » Team : Crisis Technical Center
- » work on cartX, a tool from the cubeX system (3D Geographical Information System & Scientific Visualization)
- » Technos : [C++, UML, OpenGL/GLSL, CMake, SVN, Qt, VTK (scientific visualization, post-processing), GDAL/Geos (Geographical Information, geolocalisation), XML/XSL/XSLFO...]
- => used by the IRSN Crisis Technical Center and EDF for Safety and Nuclear Risk Management
- => Reference : "CartX: A Homeland Security application at the Convergence of Scientific Simulation and Virtual Reality" - Nouguier C., Bouvier E., Balet O., Duysens J., Isnard O., in Proceedings of the 9th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Berkeley, CA, 2007. - Best paper award
- » Team : Visual Simulation Product - R&D project
- » work on THALES View next generation 3D real-time rendering engine
» Creation of a SDK for managing VFX special effects in the new THALES 3D real-time rendering engine
- GOAL : help 3D artists to create their 3D models/scenes with embedded effects (smoke, fire, etc...) for automatic export and integration in the THALES 3D rendering engine
- creation of a SDK for managing particle systems (C++, template, metaprogrammation, Loki)
- based on article : Designing an extensible Particle System using C++ and Templates (by Kent Lai)
- creation of a Maya plugin to export effects [plugin Maya C++, IHM MEL]
- technology watch and study of particle systems on GPUs
- study articles from GPU Gems 2 book, Part IV: General-Purpose Computation on GPUs (GPGPU : General-Purpose Graphics Processing Units with programmable shader language Cg, and NVidia G80 graphics processor)
- based on article : Building a Million-Particle System (by Lutz Latta)
- study of OpenGL 2.0 new features with GLSL programmable shader language
- study of Sh (metaprogramming langage for GPUs from Intel/RapidMind)
- Technos : C++, Design Pattern / STL / Template / Metaprogrammation / Loki, UML, doc doxygen, OpenGL, shaders programmables Cg, GPGPU, plugin C++ Maya, Sh, SVN
- » Team : Institut Image
- » Project - Video Game => terrain, animated characters (Quake MD2 model)... [C++, OpenGL, Cg shaders]
- » Team : Virtual cockpit of Tiger's flight simulator (helicopter)
- » International project : France, Germany and Australia
- » Technos : C++, C#, OpenGL, Photoshop, SVN
- » => work with Airbus Helicopters, Rheinmetall Defence Electronics (test and integration in Germany) and Australian teams
- » Team : Realite Virtuelle et Systemes Embarques (RVSE)
- » Project - "animated puppet" => 3D modeling of a puppet [Open Inventor, C++], IHM to control movements [MFC, C/C++], requests sent through RS232 serial port to PIC microcontrolers (PIC16 family equivalent of Motorola 68HC11) [assembly langage].
- » Team : Codage Video - (groupe Multimedia, Signal an Image Processing department)
» Assist a senior researcher (Beatrice Pesquet-Popescu) => Signal and Image processing for compression (adaptive wavelet filtering)
- based on article : Building adaptive 2D wavelet decompositions by update lifting
- implements new filters and test/benchmark [C, C++, Matlab]
- » Team : Neurocybernetic team
- » Assist a PhD student (Sacha Lepretre) => neuronal model for objects recognition (image processing for mobile robot => object recognition with Gabor filters and artificial intelligence [neural networks])
- study mechanisms of Preattentive Human Vision
- study links with signal processing (with Gabor filters) and object recognition (with neural networks)
- implements filters and test/benchmark [C, C++, Matlab]
- » R&D Team : Mechanical simulations to evaluate mechanical efforts on SKF hydraulic bolt tensioners [C, C++, Matlab]
Personal area
Here is what I like. Some links.
Some links... |
» Mon site de musique (avec mes compos perso) Ci-dessous, deux de mes compositions en version instrumentale. Le style se rapproche d'un Rock/Métal Progressif à la Dream Theater : musicalité, virtuosité, images et des mots. » Theopsya [ 2010 - 2012 ] Mon précédent groupe de musique (métal mélodique/symphonique à voix féminine). Vous pouvez écouter quelques morceaux gratuits de notre album "Tales of an Angel".