A Procedural Approach to Style for NPR Line Drawing from 3D models

Rapport de recherche 4724, INRIA, Number 4724 - February 2003
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  author       = "Grabli, St\'ephane and Durand, Fr\'edo and Turquin, Emmanuel and Sillion, Fran\c{c}ois",
  title        = "A Procedural Approach to Style for NPR Line Drawing from 3D models",
  institution  = "INRIA",
  number       = "4724",
  month        = "February",
  year         = "2003",
  keywords     = "NPR / STYLE / LINE DRAWING",
  url          = "http://maverick.inria.fr/Publications/2003/GDTS03"

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» Stéphane Grabli
» Frédo Durand
» Emmanuel Turquin
» François Sillion