
A programmable Node-based System for GPU-friendly Applications

Developpers: Romain Vergne, Pascal Barla
Type: standalone application
Licence: Mozilla Public Licence v2
OS: OS-independent
Language: C++, OpenGL, GLSL


Gratin is a programmable node-based system tailored to the creation, manipulation and animation of 2D/3D data in real-time time on GPUs. It is free, open source and relies on OpenGL and GLSL to ensure wide OS and GPU compatibility. It offers three levels of programmability (group, generic and plugin nodes) which make it adapted to the needs of experts and non-experts alike.


Please, cite the following paper if you use the software: Designing Gratin, A GPU-Tailored Node-Based System

TITLE = {Designing Gratin, A GPU-Tailored Node-Based System},
AUTHOR = {Vergne, Romain and Barla, Pascal},
URL = {},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques},
PUBLISHER = {Williams College},
VOLUME = {4},
NUMBER = {4},
PAGES = {17},
YEAR = {2015},
PDF = {},
HAL_ID = {hal-01254546},