Cyril Soler
I'm currently on a permanent research position at the INRIA (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique) Rhône-Alpes.
Status: Chercheur HDR, CRHC INRIAORCID: 0000-0003-3214-4183
PGP Public key: D1F93BE3. Fingerprint: 031D F170 0F3E 18CD A0F9 1BC8 A4BD 76DE D1F9 3BE3
Master II (2022/2023) Internships positions available!
- [Feb, 2022:] Master II: Finding relevant parameters in the reflectance of composite materials
- [Feb, 2022:] Master II: Training a Convolutional Neural Network wih Measured Materials
- [May 1, 2022] Analysis of compactness of the light transport operator published at Siggraph 2022
My research topic is mainly rendering, and more specificaly Global Illumination, but I also worked in the past on shadow computation, texture analysis and synthesis, computational photography and geometry processing.
Current research projects
- Spectral analysis of the light transport operator(s)
- Perceptual analysis of materials
Past research projects
- Gaussian Process Parameterization of BRDF Manifolds (Special page with paper pre-print, video and slides available here)
- Secure data distribution in Darknets. Presented at FOSDEM2017 (video and technical report)
- Efficient spherical filtering using non constant filters (see the project page)
- BRDF acquisition using compressive sensing
- global illumination using photon mapping, in the context of the european project RealReflect.
- semantic reconstruction of scene data from a polygon soup in the context of the PhD of Aurelien Martinet, in collaboration with Francois Sillion and Nicolas Holzschuch
- real time rendering of faceted gemstones, with a former student Stephane Guy.
- global illumination in complex vegetation scenes for callibrating plant growth simulation. The planth growth engine is provided by the CIRAD (Centre International de Recherche pour l'Agronomie et le Developpement. The two persons to contact on this subject are Jean-Francois Barczi at the LIAMA (French-Chinese Laboratory in Informatics, Automation and Applied Mathematics) and Pr. Philippe Dereffye (INRIA Rocquencourt).
My PPA for ubuntu contains two items now:
- Spherical harmonic library. Includes decomposition, ZXZXZ rotation, my own rotation formula (see my PhD thesis), rotated zonal harmonic expension, and a spherical harmonic visualization tool. Install using:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:csoler-users/ylm sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libylm-dev libylm-tools
You can then use "shdisplay" to manipulate distributions of spherical harmonics. - X3DToolKit library. Is a library for handling and displaying X3D files. It can also be used to extend the format for your own needs. Install using:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:csoler-users/x3dtoolkit sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libx3dtoolkit-dev
Here's the list of my papers (You'll get the complete list of other publications from our team through the search engine here).
Note that INRIA's website HAL modifies PDFs and videos in a way that I cannot control. I'm very sorry for that. So I try to provide un-altered media files in separate project pages:
- A Versatile Parameterization of Measured Material Manifolds
- Efficient and Accurate Spherical Kernel Integrals Using Isotropic Decomposition
Short Vitae
- Since oct. 2000, permanent research position at INRIA
- 1999-2000 Post-Doc at Max Planck Institut Informatik, Saarbrücken, Germany.
- 1995-1998 PhD obtained at Univertité Joseph Fourier
- 1992-1995 Graduated from Ecole Nationale Supérieure D'informatique et de Mathématiques Appliquées de Grenoble
Personal Data
To avoid journalists, international press and demonstration of fans, I keep this secret. You can however access my private zone here. You may also visit the web page for saving the environment in Ornon.