Cyril Soler

INRIA Rhône-Alpes
655, avenue de l'Europe
38334 Saint Ismier Cedex
Phone:(+33) 4 76 61 54 29
Fax:(+33) 4 76 61 54 40
»Curriculum Vitae
»Personal Data

I'm currently on a permanent research position at the INRIA (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique) Rhône-Alpes.

Status: Chercheur HDR, CRHC INRIA
ORCID: 0000-0003-3214-4183

PGP Public key: D1F93BE3. Fingerprint: 031D F170 0F3E 18CD A0F9 1BC8 A4BD 76DE D1F9 3BE3

Master II (2022/2023) Internships positions available!



My research topic is mainly rendering, and more specificaly Global Illumination, but I also worked in the past on shadow computation, texture analysis and synthesis, computational photography and geometry processing.

Current research projects

Past research projects


My PPA for ubuntu contains two items now:


Here's the list of my papers (You'll get the complete list of other publications from our team through the search engine here).

Note that INRIA's website HAL modifies PDFs and videos in a way that I cannot control. I'm very sorry for that. So I try to provide un-altered media files in separate project pages:

Short Vitae

Personal Data

To avoid journalists, international press and demonstration of fans, I keep this secret. You can however access my private zone here. You may also visit the web page for saving the environment in Ornon.