ARCADE Deliverables

WP 0 - Evaluation of ARCADE achievements

Deliverable Resp. Date Content
0.0-1 LightWork October 2000 Test suite

WP 1 - Data Input/Output and Application Requirements

Deliverable Resp. Date Content
1.1-1 LightWork July 1998 A report which details (1) A prioritised set of file formats, in common usage in our target application industries, which we will build parsers for; (2) a set of pre-processing algorithms for non-conformant geometry and (3) an internal means of presenting pre-processed input geometry to the other work packages.
1.1-2 Restricted LightWork April 1999 A set of parsers for 3D data files, whose input, workings and output is based upon deliverable 1.1-1.
1.2-1 LightWork October 1998 A report which details (1) how users can specify emission from artificial luminaires, the sky and the sun, and (2) a format for presenting the filtered, radiometric emission data to the other work packages.
1.2-2 Restricted LightWork July 1999 An API which allows conversion from the user’s emission specification to the specification sought by the other work packages.
1.3-1 Restricted LightWork April 2000 Advanced tone mapping functionality, presented with LightWorks ADS 5.0.
1.3-1a Restricted LightWork April 2000 Documentation/usage notes, to accompany the tone mapping software.
1.3-2 Restricted IGD April 2000 Document - specification of a toolkit - Requirements for the photometric calibration process, ensuring consistency within the radiosity process.

WP 2 - Hierarchical Data Structures for Lighting Simulation

Deliverable Resp. Date Content
2.1-1 GRAVIR October 1998 Survey report on existing automatic clustering algorithms for illumination, including taxonomy and discussion.
2.1-2 GRAVIR October 1999 New clustering algorithm with a low number of intuitive parameters. Paper ready for submission.
2.2-1 IGD July 1999 Specification of patch data structures and required operations
2.2-2 Restricted Removed Removed Removed
2.2-3 Restricted IGD January 2000 Reference implementation of enhanced patch subdivision algorithms
2.3-1 GRAVIR October 1999 Specifications of generic hierarchical mesh data structure.
Implementation of generic structure for smooth surfaces (NURBS).
2.3-2 Removed Removed Removed.
2.3-3 Restricted GRAVIR October 2000 Implementation and adaptation with appropriate consideration for input formats (depends on WP1)
2.4-1 GRAVIR October 1999 Specification of hierarchical subdivision for skylight and sun model. Extension of input format (depends on WP1).
2.4-2 Restricted GRAVIR October 2000 Implementation of hierarchical structure for natural lighting. Integration of daylight and sun parameters into an independent module

WP 3 - Control and Automatic Steering of Hierarchical Algorithms

Deliverable Resp. Date Content
3.1-1 (a)
3.1-1 (b)
July 1998
November 1998
Description of application scenarios Draft specification of error bounding algorithm for linear elements.
3.1-2 IGD April 1999 Algorithm for visibility classification; full specification including constant and linear interpolation.
3.1-3 Restricted IGD April 2000 Implementation of error bounding algorithm for constant and linear elements.
3.2-1 GRAVIR April 1999 Definition of several application scenarios
3.2-2 GRAVIR October 2000 Full paper about the oracle function, including description and test results, ready for submission.

WP 4 - Dynamic Update of Radiosity Simulations

Deliverable Resp. Date Content
4.1-1 IGD October 1998 Specification of data structures for storing information during initial radiosity iterations for later re-use in updating process. Specification of the modifications required to the line-space hierarchy for memory reduction and user-friendly control.
4.1-2 Restricted IGD July 1999 Software modules for radiosity update using basic line-space hierarchy approach adapted for a C-based generic radiosity system, examples of processing on some test files.
4.1-3 Restricted IGD January 2000 New approach lifting restriction that make line-space hiearachy impractical in terms of memory and intuitive control. Manuscript. Subject: Controllable and memory efficient algorithms for interactive radiosity.
4.3-1 Removed Removed Manuscript, ready for publication. Subject: Realtime feedback for interactive radiosity applications through the use of faked shadows.
4.4-1 Removed Removed Technical report. Subject: "A Survey of Temporal Aliasing Artifacts for Radiosity Animations"
4.4-2 Removed Removed Manuscript, ready for publication. Subject: How to reduce aliasing artifacts in radiosity animations.
4.4-1 IGD October 2000 Position Paper on Time Consistency and Final Gathering [with input from GRAVIR on Time Consistency and from IGD on FinalGathering]

Deliverables wich are not marked "Restricted" are available.
Simply send an e-mail to with the number of the deliverable.