
LiSkyRadiance( LtShader sky_shader
LtDouble altitude
LtDouble azimuth
LtFloat *radiance
Synopsis Interrogate a sky light source shader and find the radiance for a given altitude and azimuth.
sky_shader The sky light source to interrogate
altitude The altitude of the point of interest
azimuth The azimuth of the point of interest
radiance The returned radiance value
Return Value LI_STATUS_OK on success, other status value if something goes wrong or the input is invalid.

Description The sky light source shader passed as input is interrogated to find out what its radiance value is at the altitude and azimuth angles specified. Note that azimuth values are clamped in the range 0 to 360 degrees and altitude angles in the range 0 to 90 degrees. If angles outside these ranges are specified then a diagnostic will be issued informing the actual value being used by the function.

LtShader  sky_shader = LiShaderCreate( LI_SHADER_CLASS_LIGHT, "sky" );
LtColour  radiance;  
LtDouble  altitude = (LtDouble)45,
          azimuth = (LtDouble)180;
LtStatus  status = LI_STATUS_OK;

status = LiSkyRadiance(sky_shader, altitude, azimuth, radiance);
See Also No links available here.

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