
LiPrimitiveReverse( LtPrim prim
Synopsis Reverse the orientation of a primitive.
prim The primitive which is to be reversed.
Return Value A status value.
Description The orientation of all the polygons in a polygon mesh primitive (or the polygon itself for a polygon primitive) can be reversed with a single call to LiPrimitiveReverse. All relevant properties (for example, vertex normals and polygon plane equations) are reversed, leaving a primitive which is oriented exactly opposite to its original direction. Note that only primitives of type LI_PRIM_TYPE_MESH or LI_PRIM_TYPE_POLY are acceptable as input to this function. Any other primitive types will result in an error status being returned.
LtPoint      positions[4] ;
LtProp       props[1] ;
LtData       values[1] ;
LtPrim       poly ;
LtStatus     status = LI_STATUS_OK ;
LiPointInitialise( positions[ 0 ],
                   0.5,  0.5,  0.0 ) ;
LiPointInitialise( positions[ 1 ],
                  -0.5,  0.5,  0.0 ) ;
LiPointInitialise( positions[ 2 ],
                  -0.5, -0.5,  0.0 ) ;
LiPointInitialise( positions[ 3 ],
                   0.5, -0.5,  0.0 ) ;

props[ 0 ] = LI_PROP_VERT_WORLD ;
LiDataSetFloatPtr( values, positions ) ;
poly = LiPrimitiveCreatePolygon( (LtNat32)4,
                                 props, values ) ;
status = LiPrimitiveReverse( poly );
See Also LiPrimitiveReferenceReverse

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